Sunday, 29 March 2020

Characters we shouldn't fancy

The title is pretty self-explanatory. This list probably reveals a little too much about how fucked up peoples' (ours) infatuations can be. Everyone has them, and thankfully they are only fancies. We don't wholly buy the Freudian subconciousness bs. It's pretty straightforward, the more of a bastard the character is combined with how attracted we are to them determines the listing. Honourable mentions go to Robert De Niro in Heat ('cause duh) and Denzel Washington in American Gangster (again duh). Obviously a lot of this depends also on the talent and charm of the actor. And since we are unfortunately 0 % gay or bi, it's all men. Even with that, though, Barbara Stanwyck in Double Indemnity came pretty close making the list.

1. Schindler's List - Amon Goeth. We really didn't want to have him here and we probably fancy him the least on this list, but the fact that there is even a little bit of attraction qualifies him to be #1. Because he's the worst. He's a genocidal maniac. Who has a bit of charm. How fucked up can one's brain get?

2. Jessica Jones - Kilgrave. This guy's a full on rapist (insert It's Always Sunny joke here) yet the way he is played fascinates us. Having someone take your freedom and independent thought away from you terrifies us, as women, more than anything. It's so wrong to fancy this character. 

3. Taboo - James Delaney. This is the character we're most attracted to on this list, he's simply not as horrible a person as the first two. He's a violent murderer and drives his sister insane and to commit suicide, so he's pretty bad too. He's the main character though, so the viewers are given more time to understand and even sympathise with him.

4. The Fall - Paul Spector. He's a serial rapist and killer so pretty clear why he's on the list. The last season chinks away at his character a bit, but it's still an interesting character. We wish the actor went more this route instead of the other poorly chosen projects he's done.

5. Hud - Hud. First off, we didn't get the still we wanted and if you've seen the film, we're pretty sure you know the scene we're talking about. Even Paul Newman could not get this character to be in the realm of likeability. He's not meant to be there either. He's an attempted rapist for god's sake. This character is the definition of toxic masculinity. But Paul Newman, man! Really good movie as well. Seriously, watch this film!

6. A Streetcar Named Desire - Stanley. Man, we have an alarming amount of rapists on this list, don't we? Well, they say that most women have some form of a rape fantasy so we guess we're no different. We've actually never fancied Brando the actor, only some of the roles he has played. Nevertheless, he has a shit ton of charisma, as demonstrated in this role. 

7. The Godfather Part II - Vito Corleone. In real life, this is the character that probably comes closest to someone that we'd actually fancy. He's a ganster and a killer, but he has other qualities. He's reliable and that's something that we gravitate towards in reality. Obviously, we still wouldn't.

8. Dead Man Walking - Matthew Poncelet. We only fancy this character when he begins to admit his guilt. Since he has a redemption arc, he's the only one on this list with an admission of guilt and regret over his actions. He still raped and killed someone so it does make us feel, to say the least, morally confused. There's a whole 'nother conversation that needs to happen around that issue.

9. Yojimbo - Unosuke. Another gangster, this time yakuza style. He's awful, but he's pretty cool. We have no excuses, just look at him and tell us you wouldn't.

10. Sense & Sensibility - Willoughby. He's last because he doesn't rape (at least according to historical context) or murder anyone. However, he's still a bastard. He abandons a 15-year-old girl he got pregnant and then marries for money 'cause he got himself in debt. It's pretty despicable. The best version of the character is the 1995 film.