Wednesday 6 August 2014

Strange couples

This list focuses on some very odd pairings from film and TV. So, what we define as a strange couple, is how dysfunctional the couple's relationship is but that it still works somehow. The better it works and the stranger the relationship is, the higher the couple lands.

  1. Scarlett O'Hara and Rhett Butler from Gone with the Wind. We made the mistake of thinking that they were a conventional couple, since the movie is such a classic. They are not. They're definitely misfits; she's not a lady and he's definitely not a gentleman. One of the reasons we're so fond of them is because they can be so brutally honest with each other. Essentially, they're a strange couple because of the borderline rape scene.

2. The Narrator and Marla Singer from Fight Club. This one's probably the most dysfunctional hook-up we've seen, hence it places so high on the list. These two are already pretty weird individually, so together they kinda blow the roof off.

3. Bruce Wayne(Batman)/Selina Kyle(Catwoman) from Batman Returns. Here it's the combination of their real selves & their alter egos which creates the strangeness. Two people with massive identity crises makes for an awesome oddball couple.

4. Perry and Jordan from Scrubs. This almost freaky relationship is the only reason to watch this show, honestly.

5. Andy and April from Parks & Recreation. They're the cutest strange couple we have on this list. How can you not like them? They're like two kids.

6. King James I and Princess Anne from Gunpowder, Treason & Plot. Most likely this is the most random relationship on this list. Obviously it's not historically very accurate, but we said strange, right? 

7. Milly and Wolfwood from Trigun. The combination of her optimism and his cynicism make them quite an interesting pair. We would guess theirs is the most functional relationship out of all these others.

8. Niles and Daphne from Frasier. These two are just one of the best comedic couples that exist! They're awesome.

9. Twist and Brian from Spaced. Most awkwardly bizarre couple ever. In reality this randomness would NEVER work. The rest on this list maybe just might, but definitely not this one.  

10. Mr.  and Mrs. Palmer from Sense & Sensibility. Thompson managed to change this from the book into a peculiar but somewhat functional marriage. Plus, it's Hugh Laurie. 

11. Hyacinth and Mr. Gibson from Wives & Daughters. She's shallow, he's deep - how on earth this ends up working out, we have no idea.


  1. Lol the number ten! The whole time I was thinking why the heck would he marry her??? Taa on mandi by the way

  2. Hahahaha, I know :D. Sen takia ne onkin tässä listalla.
