Saturday 11 July 2015

Pick of the month

Spaced (1999-2001)

So this time we decided to go with a TV series, granted, it only has two seasons. In this case, less is more though. This is our favourite comedy show ever, and we doubt that anything will ever surpass this for us. Jonna was cramping on the floor with laughter. So yeah, it's hilarious. We loved all the popular culture references and thought that they were very tastefully executed. All characters are lovable and wacky (some more than others). This was the first Wright/Pegg/Frost collaboration, and that should be enough incentive for anyone to watch this show. We would particularly recommend this to people who are in their twenties and have no idea what to do with life, or to those who remember their twenties as such a time. We think that the show is quite ingenious at dabbling with physical comedy as well as verbal humour.

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