Sunday 30 July 2017

Accidentally annoying

This is the list for those characters that clearly were supposed to be funny, relatable or at the very least, decent. We previously made a list of characters one is meant to hate and their primary function is to be detestable. That's not the case here. These are characters that should be normal but who we seriously could not dislike more. Now, it takes a lot for us to actually hate a character, usually we're just disinterested and forget the character, but these people really push our buttons. The fault mainly lies in terrible writing.

1. Willie in Temple of Doom. GOD!!! This was our least favourite Indiana Jones flick, mainly because of her. She's truly one of the most offensive female characters we've ever seen on screen. Everything about her pretty much ticks us off.

2. Anakin Skywalker in Attack of the Clones/Revenge of the Sith. No, we didn't pick Jar Jar Binks. Frankly, because Anakin annoys us way more. The constant childish bitching (that we're supposed to buy as sexy brooding) makes you want to poke your ears with a hot iron. Suffice it to say, with this character they basically neutered one of cinema's greatest villains.


3. Mary Jane Watson in Spider-man/Spider-man 2/Spider-man 3. We re-watched the second movie recently and, Jesus... even Aunt May is more dynamic than Mary Jane. She is truly the worst girlfriend ever. She cheats on all her boyfriends, needs to be rescued CONSTANTLY and is completely useless. She doesn't even possess any attitude to at least  partially salvage her character. These first three characters are truly on a different level from the rest on this list.

4. Constance in The Musketeers. We've written about her in length in another post, so there's no need to expand on why we don't like her. It's this cliché in the style of "I'm a strong independent woman, but my world revolves around a guy".  

5. Yahiko in Kenshin. Hands down the most annoying child character we've come across. And trust us when we say, that this series is not lacking in annoying characters. The other characters though, have some saving graces about them, even if it is through their interaction with other characters. Not so with Yahiko. He ruins every scene he is in. 

6. Bella in Twilight - films. The source material is already quite horrendous so it's no surprise her character wasn't improved in the subsequent adaptations. This teenage girl has some serious psychological issues and exhibits toxic behaviour which, if framed correctly, could make an interesting storyline. Instead it's just teenage girl's fantasy of being with an older stalker dude. The reason why she is such an empty vessel though, is basically so that viewers can project themselves onto her.

7. Valentine in Parade's End. Another that shares the same dilemma with Constance. She's a suffragette created by ignorant men who knew nothing of the real struggle for women's suffrage. And to show that we're not hating on men (we mean, Twilight was created by a woman after all), Sienna Miller did way more justice to this type of character in a film created by men, The Lost City of Z. 

8. Faith in Strange Days. Now, granted, this character is framed to be at least a little unpleasant, but we're seriously supposed to buy that she's someone you would completely be hung up on? No. It's really not believable at all. Plus in a movie that has Angela Basset's Mason, Faith comes across as bratty, emo and useless.


9. Aurora in Sleeping Beauty. Worst female character in any Disney animation. Most Disney female characters at this time weren't a lot better, but Aurora takes it to the next level. And unlike her predecessors, Aurora lives a carefree life surrounded by people who love and adore her. In film, this kind of a situation can make a character boring and annoying if she's not given any personality, and boy, does Aurora qualify. She's like a horrible watered down version of Ariel. 

10. Ashley in Gone with the Wind. In here, the problem for us is more the framing than the actual character. This film has the whole man of action vs man of intellect going on - so Ashley is made into this dreamy, romantic and indecisive character to contrast Rhett Butler's more robust and aggressive man's man character. Mostly what we don't like about him is that he is so removed from reality that he doesn't even realise that he's leading Scarlett on, thus treating both his wife and Scarlett unfairly.

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